Blog Prompt: What to do about cyber bullying?

No one can argue that the internet is one of the greatest inventions of all time. However, I believe it is also the most dangerous. Kids as young as elementary school age are engaging in what is known as cyberbullying. I think there are many solutions to this epidemic. First of all, I don't think this is something we should be looking at in terms of what to do after it happens, because after it happens is already too late, like in the case if Amanda Todd. We need to focus on prevention. I believe preventing cyberbullying needs tp start at home. Parents need to start monitoring what their kids are doing online and educating them about bullying and harassment. So many parents worry about if their kid is being bullied, but not if their kid is the bully. By educating them on the possible repercussions of their actions, which in some cases may prove to be fatal, is a good place to start. I also think schools need to take on a bigger role in preventing bullying. A lot of times, schools will feel they are not responsible for incidences of cyberbullying because it is not happening on school grounds. I think that if schools enforced more policies on cyberbullying along with parents being more observant of their kids, we'd be addressing the issue in a much easier and smooth way. As for enforcing actual laws around cyberbullying, I don't think they will be that effective because its not doing anything to prevent it. 

Check out the infographic below for more info on cyberbullying!


  1. I completely agree with you about not worrying about it after it happens, because in some situations it can be too late. Cyberbullying has become a major issue, I have experienced it and I'm sure many others have as well. I believe children reflect their parents and they way they were raised, so I agree with you that parents should teach their children about how bad behaviors and actions towards someone else can cause serious damage. Schools also need to be more involved with students safety and ditch the idea that "it happened off of school property". Schools should get more involved with the safety of their students especially with cyberbullying.

  2. I strongly agree with your opinion. Nowadays, cyberbullying is a big problem, but I think that awareness about it is low. In the first place, children may have been unconsciously cyberbullying because the action targeted by cyberbullying is broad. In order for children to be conscious and prevent it, adults such as parents and teachers who know something about cyberbullying must educate their children. For that purpose, I thought it was important for both parents and children to deepen their awareness of cyberbullying.


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